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Backpropagation Algorithm

Posted on 17 Jan 2015, tagged algorithmdeep learning

These days I start to learn neural networks again and write some Matlab codes from scratch. I try to understand everything I do while I write the code, so I derive the equations in the back propagation while try to keep it clear and easy to understand.

Neural Network Functions

A multi layer neural network could be defined as this:

\begin{equation} a_1(x, w, b) = x \\ \end{equation} \begin{equation} z_i(x, w, b) = a_{i-1}(x, w, b) \cdot w_{i-1} + b_{i-1} \end{equation} \begin{equation} a_i(x, w, b) = \sigma(z_i(x, w, b)) \end{equation}

Assume \(layer_i\) means the number of neural in layer i, then the variables in the equations could be explained as below:

  • x is the input, which is a row vector, it has \(layer_1\) elements.
  • \(w_i\) meas the weights in layer i, which is a matrix of \(layer_i\) rows and \(layer_{i+1}\) columns.
  • \(b_i\) means biases in layer i, which is a row vector of \(layer_{i+1}\) elements.
  • \(a_i\) means activation function in the ith layer, which the output is a row vector, it has \(layer_i\) elements.
  • l means the last layer. The output of \(a_l\) is the output of the neural network.

And \(\sigma(z)\) may be different in different use cases. This one is an example:

\begin{equation} \sigma(z) = {1 \over 1 + e^{-z}} \end{equation}

Gradient Descent Algorithm

We need a cost function to measure how well do we do for now. And the training of the network becomes a optimization problem. The method we use in the problem is gradient descent. Let me try to explain it.

Assume we have a cost function, and it is always non-negative. For example, this function is a good one:

\begin{equation} C(x, y, w, b) = {1 \over 2} (y - a_l(x, w, b)) ^ 2 \end{equation}

Then the goal is try to make the output of the cost function smaller. Since x and y is fixed, the change of cost function while change w and b little could be shown as this:

\begin{equation} \Delta C = {\partial C \over \partial w} \Delta w + {\partial C \over \partial b} \Delta b \end{equation}

In order to make the cost function smaller, we need to make \(\Delta C\) negative. We can make \(\Delta w = - {\partial C \over \partial w}\) and \(\Delta b = - {\partial C \over \partial b}\). So that \(\Delta C = - ({\partial C \over \partial w}) ^ 2 - ({\partial C \over \partial b}) ^ 2\) which is always negative.

Compute Partial Derivative

So the goal is to compute the partial derivative \(\partial C \over \partial w\) and \(\partial C \over \partial b\). Using equations (1), (2), (3), (5) and chain rule, we can get this:

\begin{equation} {\partial C \over \partial a_l} = a_l - y \end{equation} \begin{equation} {\partial C \over \partial a_i} = {\partial C \over \partial a_{i+1}} {\partial a_{i+1} \over \partial \sigma} {\partial \sigma \over \partial z_{i+1}} {\partial z_{i+1} \over \partial a_i} = {\partial C \over \partial a_{i+1}} \odot {\sigma^{'}(z_{i+1})} w_i^{'} \end{equation} \begin{equation} {\partial C \over \partial w_i} = {\partial C \over \partial a_{i+1}} {\partial a_{i+1} \over \partial \sigma} {\partial \sigma \over \partial z_{i+1}} {\partial z_{i+1} \over \partial w_i} = a_i^{'} {\partial C \over \partial a_{i+1}} \odot {\sigma^{'}(z_{i+1})} \end{equation} \begin{equation} {\partial C \over \partial b_i} = {\partial C \over \partial a_{i+1}} {\partial a_{i+1} \over \partial \sigma} {\partial \sigma \over \partial z_{i+1}} {\partial z_{i+1} \over \partial b_i} = {\partial C \over \partial a_{i+1}} \odot {\sigma^{'}(z_{i+1})} \end{equation}

Note that we use \(\odot\) before \(\sigma^{'}\) is because function \(\sigma(z)\) is element wise.

We can find there are many same parts in these equations: \({\partial C \over \partial a_{i+1}} \odot {\sigma^{'}(z_{i+1})}\). So we can define \(\delta_i = {\partial C \over \partial a_i} \odot {\sigma^{'}(z_i)}\), and rewrite these equations like this to avoid compute these parts many times:

\begin{equation} \delta_l = (a_l - y) \odot \sigma^{'}(z_l) \end{equation} \begin{equation} \delta_i = \delta_{i+1} w_i^{'} \odot \sigma^{'}(z_i) \end{equation} \begin{equation} {\partial C \over \partial w_i} = a_i^{'} \delta_{i+1} \end{equation} \begin{equation} {\partial C \over \partial b_i} = \delta_{i+1} \end{equation}

With these equations, we can write the back propagation algorithm easily.